
Prof Rosenberg presents at Second Global Forum on Green Economy in Paris!

How can countries build a critical mass of professionals who understand the risks and opportunities of a transition to an inclusive green economy, and have the knowledge and skills to put in place relevant policies? Prof Eureta Rosenberg outlines challenges in transforming the way current and future policy makers learn, at the 2nd Global Forum

February 5th, 2019|Categories: Events, New Developments|Tags: |

Green Skills Resource Presented at EEASA

DEA – DBSA Green Skills Resource Introduced by Rhodes University and Wits University Enabling Green Skills: Pathways to Sustainable Development is a new resource produced in the Green Skills System Capacity Building programme. This Source Book to Support Skills Planning for Green Economies was launched at a Green Skills Round Table hosted by Wits REAL

October 11th, 2018|Categories: Events|Tags: |

Green Economy Learning Assessment SA

This national assessment of skills needed to drive the transition to a greener economy in South Africa is now available online. The product of a consultative process in South Africa’s sustainability community, it has been commissioned by the Partnership for Action on the Green Economy (PAGE) and supported by UNITAR, the Department of Environmental Affairs

May 27th, 2018|Categories: Report-backs|Tags: |

National Wetlands Indaba 2022

The National Wetlands Indaba for 2022 is taking place from Monday 24 October to Thursday 27 October 2022 at the Golden Gate Highlands National Park in the beautiful province of the Free State in South Africa. The Indaba will be hosted by the Free State Wetland Forum (FSWF) and supported by the SA Wetland Society.

October 18th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA) 2022 Conference

The Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa, the Namibian 2022 Local Organising Committee and the University of Namibia invite you submit abstracts and register for EEASA’s 40th conference. The conference will be held from 23 – 27 August 2022 at the University of Namibia in Windhoek, Namibia. The theme for this year is, “Education for a

September 5th, 2021|Categories: Events, Uncategorized|Tags: |


RWL12 Toronto Proposal System Opens September 1st, 2021 Calling All Researchers of Work & Learning,  The organizers warmly invite you to consider joining scholars, policy-makers and practitioners from around the world in Toronto, Canada for the 12th Researching Work & Learning (RWL) Conference, July 13-15, 2022. Full details about the RWL12 Toronto event can be

September 5th, 2021|Categories: Events|Tags: |


THE CLIMATE INVESTMENT FUNDS’ EVALUATION AND LEARNING INITIATIVE The E T Consultant - Senior Evaluation Officer will lead/support/contribute to the implementation of activities as outlined in the FY21 E&L Work Plan, including a potential focus on the following key activities among others: 1.An evaluation of the social and economic development contributions of CIF investments, including

August 11th, 2020|Categories: New Developments, Uncategorized|Tags: |

Green Skills Certification Ceremony held at Wits University

Six professionals were awarded the first ever Rhodes University Certificates of Competence in Green Skills Research and Planning, on 26 October 2018. The awards were handed out by Prof Eureta Rosenberg at the Centre for Researching Work and Learning (REAL) at Wits University, hosted by REAL’s director, Dr Presha Ramsarup. The course was offered in

November 22nd, 2018|Categories: Events|Tags: |


Professor Eureta Rosenberg Presents Opening Keynote Address at EEASA 2018 Rhodes ELRC staff and students travelled to Livingstone, Zambia, to participate in the 36th  Annual Conference of the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa, from 17-21 September. Prof Eureta Rosenberg presented the opening keynote address. She asked delegates to think about the development decisions that

October 11th, 2018|Categories: Events|

Climate Smart Agriculture

This report captures the findings of a study that considered the green skill implications for transitioning towards climate-smart agricultural practice in the Western Cape, as part of the Green Skills Project. Agriculture is a cornerstone of the South African economy and is vital for human and social well-being. Agricultural production is tied to natural resources

May 28th, 2018|Categories: New Developments|

Course: Green Skills Research and Planning

The first offering of this new course in Johannesburg was attended by 22 practitioners and managers from government (SETAs, Auditor-General office and others), NGOs, industry bodies and universities. The contact sessions took place from October to November 2017 and participants will receive their final assessments in May 2018. Developed for skills planners and researchers, this

May 28th, 2018|Categories: Events|
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