National Wetlands Indaba 2022

The National Wetlands Indaba for 2022 is taking place from Monday 24 October to Thursday 27 October 2022 at the Golden Gate Highlands National Park in the beautiful province of the Free State in South Africa. The Indaba will be hosted by the Free State Wetland Forum (FSWF) and supported by the SA Wetland Society.

October 18th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA) 2022 Conference

The Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa, the Namibian 2022 Local Organising Committee and the University of Namibia invite you submit abstracts and register for EEASA’s 40th conference. The conference will be held from 23 – 27 August 2022 at the University of Namibia in Windhoek, Namibia. The theme for this year is, “Education for a

September 5th, 2021|Categories: Events, Uncategorized|Tags: |


THE CLIMATE INVESTMENT FUNDS’ EVALUATION AND LEARNING INITIATIVE The E T Consultant - Senior Evaluation Officer will lead/support/contribute to the implementation of activities as outlined in the FY21 E&L Work Plan, including a potential focus on the following key activities among others: 1.An evaluation of the social and economic development contributions of CIF investments, including

August 11th, 2020|Categories: New Developments, Uncategorized|Tags: |

Short Course on Workplace Education Theories

From the left: Dandira, Franca, Prof Heila, Sibusisiwe Mavuso, John, Tshanda, Live, Prof Andre, Nicola, Prof Eureta, Mike, Sibusisiwe Gumede, Bongani and Dhiren. Masters and PhD students from Wits and Rhodes Universities explored a variety of work and learning related theories during a three day short course in December 2016. They realised they

December 14th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|
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