Green Economy Learning Assessment SA

This national assessment of skills needed to drive the transition to a greener economy in South Africa is now available online. The product of a consultative process in South Africa’s sustainability community, it has been commissioned by the Partnership for Action on the Green Economy (PAGE) and supported by UNITAR, the Department of Environmental Affairs

May 27th, 2018|Categories: Report-backs|Tags: |

In the Shadow of Power: EGOS Trip report by Mike Ward

The European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) held its 32nd annual colloquium in Naples, Italy during July this year.  Mike Ward was supported to attend this conference by the Environmental Learning Research Centre at Rhodes University and provided this brief trip report. The theme of this year’s EGOS conference was Organising in the Shadow of

July 26th, 2016|Categories: Report-backs|

Review of a Paper for Green Skills Research Considerations

Paper reviewed: Peter Ferguson. 2015. The green economy agenda: Business as usual or transformational discourse? Environmental Politics, 24(1), 17-37. DOI: 10:1080/09644016.2014.919748 In the considerable body of literature on the green economy there are some papers that skills researchers will in my view find particularly useful, even if these papers do not refer to research or

July 26th, 2016|Categories: Report-backs|

RWL 9 Reflection by Presha Ramsarup

From the minute one leaves Changi airport one appreciates Singapore's reputation as a sophisticated metropolis. It is a buzzing city and it hosted the 9th Researching Work and Learning (RWL) Conference on 9-12 December 2015. The RWL conference is the leading international research conference in the field of work and learning. Established in 1999, the conference

February 16th, 2016|Categories: Report-backs|Tags: , , |

Skills for Greening Fibre Based Packaging

What are the skills needed to green the paper and paperboard packaging sector?  Green skills researcher Nicola Jenkin recently produced a discussion paper on this question as part of a research partnership between the Fibre Packaging and Manufacturing SETA and Wits REAL, the Centre for Researching Education and Labour at the University of the Witwatersrand. Based

The National Environmental Skills Planning Forum met on 10 June 2015

Thomas Mathiba, Chair of the NESPF The Forum appointed a Task Team to follow up on a number of outcomes of the National Environmental Skills Summit (for the report on NESS 2015, click here.) These included strengthening of the Forum, a Green Jobs Action Plan, and further coordinated fundraising to extend the national capacity

July 9th, 2015|Categories: Report-backs|
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