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So far admin has created 7 blog entries.

Climate Smart Agriculture

This report captures the findings of a study that considered the green skill implications for transitioning towards climate-smart agricultural practice in the Western Cape, as part of the Green Skills Project. Agriculture is a cornerstone of the South African economy and is vital for human and social well-being. Agricultural production is tied to natural resources

May 28th, 2018|Categories: New Developments|

Course: Green Skills Research and Planning

The first offering of this new course in Johannesburg was attended by 22 practitioners and managers from government (SETAs, Auditor-General office and others), NGOs, industry bodies and universities. The contact sessions took place from October to November 2017 and participants will receive their final assessments in May 2018. Developed for skills planners and researchers, this

May 28th, 2018|Categories: Events|

TVET for Green Skills – UNESCO conference in China

Prof Eureta Rosenberg attended a conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Tangshan in the People's Republic of China from 4-6 July 2017. Entitled "Skills on the move: Global trends, local resonances" it was convened by UNESCO to review progress in the implementation of the recommendations for strengthening TVET globally, adopted as

August 3rd, 2017|Categories: Events|

Input Required on the Concept of ‘Demand’

A lot has been written on the mismatch between the supply of skills and demand for skills – skills in this case being people with environmental qualifications and experience. It is clear that this is not a simple matter - for while employers lament a lack of suitably skilled people, graduates say they can’t find work.

The National Environmental Skills Planning Forum met on 10 June 2015

Thomas Mathiba, Chair of the NESPF The Forum appointed a Task Team to follow up on a number of outcomes of the National Environmental Skills Summit (for the report on NESS 2015, click here.) These included strengthening of the Forum, a Green Jobs Action Plan, and further coordinated fundraising to extend the national capacity

July 9th, 2015|Categories: Report-backs|
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