
Report Back and Round Tables on 21 April

On 21 April 2016 the GreenSkills coordinators reported back to its partners in SETAs, government departments and environmental organisations at a full-day meeting in Johannesburg. In a jam-packed morning session researchers from Wits, Rhodes, UCT gave updates on current and recently completed projects, and Ansa Liebenberg from MERSETA shared the news of a brand new

February 18th, 2016|Categories: Events|

RWL 9 Reflection by Presha Ramsarup

From the minute one leaves Changi airport one appreciates Singapore's reputation as a sophisticated metropolis. It is a buzzing city and it hosted the 9th Researching Work and Learning (RWL) Conference on 9-12 December 2015. The RWL conference is the leading international research conference in the field of work and learning. Established in 1999, the conference

February 16th, 2016|Categories: Report-backs|Tags: , , |

Critical Realism and Green Skills Research

Routledge recently published Critical Realism, Environmental Learning and Social Ecological Change, edited by Dr Leigh Price and Prof Heila Lotz-Sisitka. This book introduces a decade of mainly southern African critical realist environmental education research and thinking on the question: "How can we facilitate learning processes that will lead to the flourishing of the Earth's people

Comment on NSDS IV

The deadline for comments on the Proposal for the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) and the SETA Landscape (NSLP 2015) has been extended to 29 February 2016. The gazetted proposal involves changes to the role and function of SETAs, and the skills levy distribution model. It recommends that the current sector specific skills funding model be changed

February 5th, 2016|Categories: Requests for input|Tags: , |

Skills for Greening Fibre Based Packaging

What are the skills needed to green the paper and paperboard packaging sector?  Green skills researcher Nicola Jenkin recently produced a discussion paper on this question as part of a research partnership between the Fibre Packaging and Manufacturing SETA and Wits REAL, the Centre for Researching Education and Labour at the University of the Witwatersrand. Based

UCT Study into High Tec Skills for the REIPPP

“The single most successful Public Private Partnership on the African continent for the past 20 years”. This has been the national and international acclaim for South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Procurement Programme (REIPPP), which has already yielded billions of dollars of direct investment and generated more than 5 GW of energy. An integral

February 5th, 2016|Categories: New Developments|Tags: , , |

SARChI Chair will Research Green Skills

Rhodes University Professor Heila Lotz-Sisitka has been awarded a prestigious Tier 1 SARChI Chair under the National Research Foundation’s South African Research Chair Initiative. This research chair will focus on learning pathways for green skills and transformative social learning more broadly. Announced in August 2015, the Chair is aligned with the Department of Science and

Input Required on the Concept of ‘Demand’

A lot has been written on the mismatch between the supply of skills and demand for skills – skills in this case being people with environmental qualifications and experience. It is clear that this is not a simple matter - for while employers lament a lack of suitably skilled people, graduates say they can’t find work.

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